Over whealming majority means over all liabilties of promises, hopes,aspirations,wishes to keep and continuing process accordingly. No way to escape from the trap that mendate put onto your neck. That is a chain which's other end into the hands of the mass voters. Never mind that into the hands of your so called follower, workers at all. So please brooke the old order and circle of intersts group, hepocrates, flaterers arround or surrounding the center or power or PM or Head of the state. That is the main baricade, hardles to pass the light with a proper ventilation. So no more ! No HOWAH, Please ! This is the main back wardness or drawback of our family politics. So, Family and the state are two separate entity, legally and eithically too. Should be a demarkation line to keep in control of it.
We may gain it through decentralistion of power. That will infuse more bloods to the state body and put more light also too. Centralisation means whole bloods to pull by the Hearts and again to compressed or pumped or sent/push it back to entire organ. It put more pressure and bloked the ventilation and became weakened by the other harmful germs, broker,agents on to the path. Damaged the face value, good will eaten or sold out by them or favoured they have been taken legaly and illegaly. That will over shadowed and came closed to the bottom with a more colour and cover and generate negative wind againt the center as corrupt one. Lastly BG a Tiger became a tigers aunti MEW! sweaping mojority to 2 and lucky 7 = Bad luck 27+ HERO to ZEROooooooo..... !?
So unpluged the main draw back, keep them away from the center and power too. Family, hires, relative, friendship should be maintained and handled strictly and accordingly to safe guard the image constantly A+
Any loss will lead, say for examples A+ A -A B -B C -C F = 0 (F) +C + B + A + = A+ this is the equation , Position to opposition, Hero to Zero.....!
Election 08, A new generation 21 century Bangladesh, A message to the Both of the parties. GOOD LUCK Bangladesh and thank you very much and congreets voters for the vigilences and CHANGE staged.. Now Parties think of you as the Maker of kings are the real KING and HERO. They are bearer or excutive of the peoples verdict only. They may be pulled or pushed back again. So no riging, no engineering only look after onto your comitments toward digital Bangladesh- A new era and Emerging new generation 21 century 2121 Per capita Y USD $ 2000 state. Good morning Bangladesh.