MASTERS '78 UNIVERSITY OF CHITTAGONG BANGLADESH. A UNIVERSITY ALUMMNAI ASSO OF EX STUDENTS. A PHELANTHROPHIC ORANISATION -A EXCLUSIVE MEMBERS FAMILY PROGRAMME ORG. BY THE CUSA'78 at social science feculty lecture gallery University of chittagong Bangladesh. For More about us, links and down loads some Visit Chittagong University CLUB78 Bngladesh at

Jun 21, 2008
at 11:20 PM
Labels: Alumni 78 FNF Re-union
Jun 19, 2008
MARRIEGE- ever loved Moral - look east
The ancient tradditional social religious custom values and norms contained with the Marriege. In our society
we mostly belongs to Joint family system. Due to inter relationship and size of the family is much relative accordingly. Regardless of the religion Marriege is the colourful most ferstive gathering alongwith Cultural ceremonial memorable decorative ornamental ammongest the functions. Total thread and connections get invited . Goined with a week long reciprocal attachment and series of different coustom at the Bride and Groom in house parties. Other than Main funtions.Agreement contract and contact, exchane of views gifts and choices pertained too. Grand galla golla night is earmarked with Haldi or Mehandi night. Almost the whole night enjoied through functions like differnt cultural shows Band Modern folk lore Dances Songs etc. Decorative lighting and grand feasts arranged for all partcipents to attract and keep gathering until late night. This is a either house parties arranged with in same or different day before Marriage. Haldi and Mehdi Function a long ceromonial coustoms to DECORE the both hands designed with colour fonts artistically by the Wives Young stars Through Mehdi. A natural essence green LEAF of Mehdi Paste which extract natural Nice Red Heart colour on to hands, long lasts upto two months. After that Main occation Marriage day in between. This is mostly a social and religious get to-gather as a recognition and confirmation too. Five Star Arranged Feast a rich foods for the participent at least thousand and above. Never the less after that there are so may feast and paties being in Honoured for the seniors of the both families after marriege too.Flower bed Return to parents home and Bride came to search she and bring back ......oh...Haa....on and on ......!!
at 11:03 PM
Labels: Baladesh-Marriege Fest