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Jan 8, 2009
Jan 5, 2009
Architect and silent Underground thinker of Digital Bangladesh.
Men behind the Digital Bangladesh: Concept which was quoted by Sk. Hasina recently as the AL Elec08 theme, gained ovewhelming popularity. Now on medea we seen , interviewing general mass they are talking about Digital Bangladesh. This is not an abstract or abcert nor aireal thing bring onto light nor I would like to make some one a Hero. This is the real and in fact actual outcome of the thinker Sirajul Alam Khan. Known to his followers as 'Dada'. This Mystery Man of politics, the so-called theoretician, has always acts behind the scenes. He is a silent player and has been away from open , active politics for quite some time now. In 1996-97 Sirajul Alam Khan joined the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh as a Professor of Political Science. So for the last 10 years he's been a resident of the US. During this decade he's visited the country off and on, sometimes in secret and sometimes openly.
Dada also has a nod for the steps being taken by Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed's government against crime and corruption. He has long been cherishing a dream of a '21st century Bangladesh' through radical changes in the country's politics, government and Constitution. He has even written a book on the matter. A documentary, based on this book, has been made and is available on VCD and DVDs at the Ekushey book fair. It depicts the history of Bengal and Bengalis, of the actual indigenous people of the land, of how they were driven away, how the boundaries of Bengal were changed, how post-independent Bengalis are building a modern lifestyle, are progressing in science, technology and more. The film also contains statements of Dr. Yunus. The film was made in 2006. Digital Bangladesh is the out come of 14 points by DADA. Recent Decentralisation and eight divisional provincial govt by H.M. Ershad also a vital part and percel of the 14 points. More over vision 2020 goals, a economic progamme by DADA, slightly changed by the SK. Hasina as 2121 Mellenium GOALS for economic empowerment of the live and people of BANGLADESH also too. So, honestly speaking, Please never mind to quote the Author and pay attribute to this man but who never bother of it. Upa zilla also a vital points out of 14 too. We would like to request the new govt. to go with DEEP sea port and TRANSIT issue. A huge employment generation and economic revolution to achieve the MELLINEUM target per capita Y USD$=2000 or BDT=2,00,000 by vision 2020 goals.
For about his life and works you may please visit this Great man's Official website of Serajul Alam Khan Dada .A very simple man who born in1941 age abot 68. Unmarried and as simple as Muri ( FRIED RICE) his all time favorate one.

Just a like DRAMA or CINEMA players on the stage or on the screen Director behind. Only his name and title come first or some times after concluding or mosly we leave the hall before the title yet to play ! Like DADA. SAK is not a LEADER but a THINKER beyond publicity, not even think of exercise power and expose himself. A nightmere, who still work hard untill late night 02. He is facing Heart problems, due to this his hands and had a bit shaky. During his stay in Bangladesh, mostly he found busy with meeting,seating at oxford international school, Dhan mondhi, Dhaka. Mr. Shakawat Hossain Bakul co-thinker and President of Oxford Int. School a dedicated fellow,devoted his money and time to made DADA's dream became succeed. Long Live DADA long Live BANGLADESH.
at 9:34 AM
Labels: Digital Bangladesh
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